Iqbal was also critical of the political system of the west. In his opinion, the western concept of democracy hinged on capitalism. He puts these thoughts into verse saying.
Iqbal was certain that the Muslim Ummah if united would certainly be successful. He expresses his hopefulness in one of his verses and the gist is: ...
اقبال کی ایک پرستار : سیدہ اختر حیدر آبادی ڈاکٹر معین الدین عقیل کلام اقبال کی مقبولیت خود ان کے اپنے زمانے میں ایک مثالی حیثیت اختیار کر چکی تھی کہ اس کے مظاہر اور اس کی مثالیں، بالخصوص اقبال کی ملی ...
As a social and religious thinker, Iqbal emphasises the unity of God and finality of prophethood. According to him nothing deserves to be made an object of love and worship except Allah. The greatest ...
A Sapru Brahman family had migrated, approximately three hundred years ago, from Kashmir and put down roots in a small town of Punjab, Sialkot. Soon after, the family members embraced Islam. Dr.
A collection of thirteen letters of Iqbal addressed to the Quaid-i-Azam were published by Sh. Muhammad Ashraf of Lahore in April 1943. This small collection also contained a brief Foreword by the ...
IQBAL DAY IN CAIRO THE U. A. R. Supreme Council for Art and Literature, Cairo, organised an elaborate function on the occasion of Iqbal Day. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Kadir Hatem, Deputy Prime Minister for ...
Iqbal’s Idealist Critique Of Hawking’s Materialist Concept of Time Asad Shahzad Abstract Hawking’s materialist and sectional concept of time has been assessed by Iqbal’s concept of real time. A ...
Rumi is M. Iqbal’s great master whom he calls "Pīr-i Rūmī (The master from Anatolia); and he names himself as "Murīd-i- Hindī (The Indian disciple)". In his Asrār-o-Rumūz Iqbal claims, "The saint Rumi ...
As deputy secretary in charge of the middle east division of foreign ministry, asad prepared a memorandum for creation of something like a league of muslim nations, and having discussed it with prime ...
(Meanings: Zinda Tammanna = Motivation; Qalb = Heart; Rooh = Soul; wadi-e-faran = Islamic nation; Chamka dey= Shine; shok-e-tamasha = Determination; Zoq-e-taqaza = zeal; Mehroom-e-tamasha = Ignored; ...
Islamic polity, according to Iqbal, is based on Unity of God (Tauḥīd). Hence it demands a complete loyalty to the Almighty and not to the earthly thrones. In The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in ...