My teens are driving me crazy and I don’t even feel like I need to start that sentence with an, “I love my teens but,…” they are just driving me nuts, period. My teens have habits that drive me crazy.
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When my oldest daughter left for college, I was prepared to say goodbye. I had read several pieces of advice from seasoned parents about the significance of the drop-off day, and I had my speech ...
New Year’s Eve is upon us and as I walk around the stores buying things for my kiddos, the fancy heels and dresses always catch my eye. I think about how it might be fun to pick something shiny and ...
Every December since becoming a parent I have vowed to do better. I promised to spend more time playing on the floor with my kids. I swore I would volunteer at school more regularly. I pledged to be ...
I was in the craft store the other day and came across a display of those ceramic, table top, light-up Christmas trees. I almost had a nostalgic meltdown right there in the holiday decor aisle. Those ...
A few years ago, right around the holidays, Saturday Night Live debuted a sketch that went viral and made my blood boil. In the bit, a family wakes on Christmas morning and begins to sing about their ...
Holidays are a beautiful magical time of celebration and family. Except when they are not. Holidays can seem a bit less magical when your teen or young adult child stops listening for reindeer on the ...
I remember the Christmas of 1985 like no other — that was the year my sisters and I got Cabbage Patch dolls. Seeing those large rectangle boxes under the tree as we were making our way down the green ...
I had a senior moment this morning. Not the kind where you forget something—although I do have plenty of those these days. I’m talking about the kind you have when your last kid is a senior in high ...
You’ve been dreaming of this moment since you dropped them off in August — the sweet reunion of your baby returning home from college for the holidays. But before your vision of a fairy tale ...
December brings talk of college football playoffs and the start of basketball season. The Thanksgiving holiday might have included a visit home from your college student, and that can be a terrific ...