Missouri head coach Brian Smith provided injury updates on two of his most decorated star athletes - Keegan O’Toole and Rocky Elam. The more pressing of the two is related to Elam who will be ...
Championship - Dean Peterson (Rutgers) dec Blake West (Northern Illinois) 10-3 Third Place - Diego Sotelo (Harvard) dec Jacob Moran (Indiana) 4-1SV Fifth Place - Marc-Anthony McGowan (Princeton) dec ...
Championship - Drake Ayala (Iowa) tech Kale Peterson (Iowa) 20-5 Third Place - Logan Swensen (South Dakota State) dec Stockton O’Brien (Wyoming) 10-5 Fifth Place -Julian Farber (Northern Iowa) fall ...
Day one of the Soldier Salute is in the books! Action will resume tomorrow at noon Eastern with the semifinals. Here are the results from the quarterfinals in Coralville.
Movement Movement Movement. Thanks to multiple tri and quad meets along with some tournaments, we have a lot of Overall Standings movement, including a new #1. For these standings, we will be using ...