Weather observations are collected at 12:00 local standard time.
Starting 16 May 2024, the fine for violating daily burn restrictions is $25,000. Daily burn restrictions also now apply to provincial, municipal and private campgrounds (National parks are under the ...
This handbook includes site specific softwood and hardwood silviculture keys together with graphs and tables needed to estimate present and future stand characteristics. Each page of the book can be ...
Some Department of Health and Wellness information is on the old website (you’re on the old website now).
THMs are trihalomethanes, chemical compounds that can be formed when water is disinfected with chlorine. THMs occur when chlorine reacts with organic matter in water, and for this reason are more ...
Some Department of Finance and Treasury Board information is on the old website (you're on the old website now).
Forests play a vital role in our province. They provide fresh air, food, medicine, timber for construction, fuel wood for heat, jobs for rural communities, recreational opportunities, and much more.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Act provides a formal process to obtain access to records under the control of the provincial government ...
Some Executive Council Office information is on the old website (you're on the old website now).
Emergency funding can cover basic needs after you’re laid off and before other benefits are available.
The Labour Standards legislation sets out the minimum employment rules in Nova Scotia that employers and employees have to follow. It also sets out rules specific to the recruitment of workers and the ...
N.S. Reg. 197/2019 amended to N.S. Reg. 128/2024 ...