These are the Tudor royals that we all know about – but there’s one who has slipped through the history books and yet is, in ...
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The Untold Story of Joseph Jakobs, the Last Person to be Executed in the Tower of London ...
Winston Churchill and the Worst Naval Catastrophe of the First World War ...
This is the last book in the trilogy that started with my great great grandmother, Hannah Hall in the 1820’s as she re-located with her family to a new coal mine opening up in Hetton-le-Hole, County ...
The Story of the Coronation and what it Meant for Britain ...
How Britain took one small boy and hundreds of treasures from Ethiopia ...
Concorde was conceived in the 1950s, first flew in the 1960s and then took over 2.5million people to ‘the edge of space’ at twice the speed of sound for the rest of the 20th century. And into the 21st ...
Belinda Curwen’s interest in the SOE was inspired by her father, who was an SOE field agent in Greece. She did her BA and MA in the history of art and architecture, before embarking on an editorial ...
How Cambridge University locked up women in its private prison ...
The Inside Story of the Most Successful Escape Line of the Second World War ...
Siobhan Ferguson, Lucy Hester (Illustrator), ...