Truman Packard, World Bank (WB) Lead Economist in the Europe and Central Asia Region, told LETA that WB feels that the Latvian government has made a credible demonstration of its intent to follow ...
Ryanair, Europe’s favourite airline, today (6 Jan) announced the appointment of Cristian Samoilovich as its first Head of Public Affairs, joining Ryanair from Uber, where he was managing European ...
The city of Tallinn is expecting bids from banks by the end of August to hold a 13.8 million EUR bond issue, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht writes. According to last year’s annual report, the city has ten valid ...
According to various estimations, the electronic border queue system that was launched exactly a year ago in the road border-crossing points between Estonia and Russia saves Estonian road transport ...
23 октября свои верительные грамоты президенту Российской Федерации В.В. Путину вручила чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Латвийской Республики в РФ Астра Курме. Карьерный дипломат, 20 лет работавший в ...
В последнее время Служба Государственных Доходов Латвии (СГД) активно проверяет декларирование и уплату налогов от продажи недвижимости. В связи с этим, в нашем бюро увеличилось ...
Lithuania and Finland, two Nordic-Baltic sisters, are interconnected by long-ranging historical, political, and cultural links. It is great to state the fact that Lithuania and Finland have truly deep ...
Klaipeda city local prosecutor's office has launched a pre-trial investigation into the fire at the ferry Lisco Gloria to determine whether the requirements for health and safety at work have not been ...
The State-owned lottery enterprise Eesti Loto is organizing a meeting of the board of directors of the Viking Lotto system in Tallinn, writes LETA/Postimees Online. On Thursday the directors decided ...
The company Klaipedos Baldai reached sales of 90.9 million litas (26.316 million euros) over January-June this year, an increase of 0.7% year-on-year, informs LETA. The company's pre-tax profit stood ...
Of all companies that were registered in February 1992, 1,656 are still in business, Indra Jansone from the company Lursoft informed the business portal. 69% of all companies and businessmen ...
The textile industrial plant Kreenholm in Narva has decided to redundant 300 employees, writes LETA, referring at Postimees Online. The Narva-based enterprise owned by the Swedish company Boras Wäfver ...