TEXPLORE: Real-Time Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Robots. Todd Hester and Peter Stone. Machine Learning, 90(3):385–429, 2013.
The ACL2 Sedan (ACL2s) is an Eclipse-based IDE for ACL2 that is distributed with pre-certified books and pre-built binaries. If you use an alternative development environment (such as Emacs), you can ...
The University of Texas at Austin has been selected to lead the NSF-Simons AI Institute for Cosmic Origins, a new $20 million ...
Artificial intelligence is very loosely regulated in the U.S. What kinds of laws would help make AI safer and more useful for ...
to practice using Java ArrayLists to implement a program that uses multiple classes. (object based programming, encapsulation) to practice implementing individual classes based on a given ...
This is a section from the last essay written by Isaiah Berlin, published in the New York Review of Books, Vol. XLV, Number 8 (1998). Copyright: The Isaiah Berlin ...
I am a Professor in the Computer Science Department and director of the new NSF AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning (IFML).
Our students and faculty are changing the world through their contributions to computing education, research, and industry. These awards received by members of the UT Computer Science community make ...
@article{RWRY11, title={High-dimensional covariance estimation by minimizing l1-penalized log-determinant divergence}, author={P. Ravikumar and M. J. Wainwright and G ...
It is a misnomer. As Edsger Dijkstra used to say "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes". Computer Science is closely related to mathematics. It is the study ...
Consistently ranked as one of the nation’s top ten graduate programs in computer science, UT Computer Science is proud to be able to say that the education our students receive is second to none.
We use a 3-level page table, such that the first 10-bit are for the first level and so on. What is the page size in such a system? What is the size of a page table for a process that has 256K of ...