In recent years Grünwald and his CWI colleagues have developed a better alternative for the p-value, called E-value (evidence ...
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands.
Significant contributions include the development of the Weighted Group Synchrony algorithm, which enhances emotion classification by analyzing synchronization in physiological data, and the creation ...
Philip Verduyn Lunel promoveert op het proefschrift: 'Quantum Position Verification: Loss-tolerant Protocols and Fundamental Limits'. Promotoren zijn prof. dr. H.M. Buhrman en dr. F. Speelman.
René Allerstorfer will defend the dissertation 'Position-based Quantum Cryptography: From Theory towards Practice'. Supervisor is Prof. H.M. Buhrman. The co-supervisor is Dr F. Speelman.
Marcin Żukowski krijgt de Dijkstra Fellowship 2024. Met deze eretitel erkent het CWI zijn pioniersrol in de ontwikkeling van databasemanagementsystemen met grote maatschappelijke impact, en zijn ...