Capers Jones’ “Software Quality in 2011: A Survey of the State of the Art ” is chock full of interesting data. One can only despair at some of it. Like most researchers, Mr. Jones prefers to use ...
My biggest source of non-spam email comes from people asking how they, too, can become an embedded systems developer. So many, in fact, that I wrote an article about ...
Beginner's Corner is a collection of articles for all embedded systems designers who want a quick introduction to a subject; The articles were first published in Embedded Systems Programming magazine.
In my July column I suggested a few projects that kids can undertake to learn more about the exciting field of embedded systems.1 A lot of you responded. One engineer wrote: “Apart from the ...
For the embedded systems developer, stereotypes abound. The image of young, specialized high-tech workers toiling in a computer-filled lab, sipping Jolt cola late into the night is popular with the ...
This series delves into all aspects of real time operating systems (RTOS) and is intended for any developer who is curious about how to use an RTOS and how they work.
In the two decades or so that I've been writing this column, we've covered a lot of topics, ranging from the best implementation of abs(x) to CRC algorithms to logic theory, Karnaugh maps, and ...
I avoid political commentary in this column, as it's both inflammatory and irrelevant to the daily grind of cranking out products. Though we developers have much technology in common, when it comes to ...
Capers Jones is one of the most prolific software researchers around. He has a vast collection of metrics from many thousands of real-world projects. His book The Economics of Software Quality is ...
In 1989 Tyler Sperry, then editor of the print publication Embedded Systems Programming, asked me to write a monthly column for the magazine. That morphed into Embedded Systems Design which in turn ...