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Welcome to a seminar with Dr Mattias Svensson, Associate Professor & Deputy Head, Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, University of Gothenburg. The seminar will be conducted in ...
Our conceptualization of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems are based on different types of scientific, technical and creative knowledge and coordinate various actors from academia, business ...
The Department of Marine Sciences is Sweden’s most complete environment for marine research and marine education, and is one of only a few such organisations in Europe. With broad and cutting-edge ...
At the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science researchers work on many international, interdisciplinary projects related to Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Logic, ...
På institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori, FLoV, arbetar våra forskare i många internationella, tvärvetenskapliga projekt som rör teoretisk och praktisk filosofi, logik, lingvistik ...
Ragnhild Gya from University of Bergen will give a seminar that focus on her recently finished PhD project where she studied how alpine plants are impacted by climate change using different tools such ...
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg. Research and education in medicine, odontology, and health and care sciences - always in close contact with practical care. At Sahlgrenska ...
Vi bedriver omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden – från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner: farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, ...
Press office Journalists are welcome to contact our Press Officers with queries. For subject-related queries, please get in touch with the media contact at the relevant faculty.
Flera av våra forskare inom litteratur, idéhistoria och religion kommer att medverka under Bokmässan.
Välkommen till en av Europas ledande statsvetenskapliga institutioner! Här bedrivs forskning och undervisning i statsvetenskap, Europakunskap och samhällsstyrning i ett globalt perspektiv. Vi är en ...