Determined to eliminate any institution that could act as a counter-power, Kais Said wants the UGTT to abandon its role as a ...
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) stands in solidarity with its affiliate the Federation of Somali Trade ...
Get all caught up with the latest trends and news that show that trade unions are actors of development in their own right.
Al iniciarse la última ronda de negociaciones en la ONU para alcanzar un tratado internacional sobre responsabilidad ...
As the latest round of negotiations begins at the UN for an international treaty on corporate accountability, the ITUC and ...
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the reference document on development priorities at the international level. It was adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, by 193 countries, ...
On International Migrants Day 2024, the ITUC calls on all governments to implement rights-based migration policies in ...
Together with the ITUC Just Transition Centre and industriAll Europe, IndustriALL Global Union hosted a workshop to discuss ...
Globally and nationally, development policies are too often shaped without the involvement of trade unions, leading to outcomes that fail to address workers’ realities and needs. It is essential that ...
The global economic system drives a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions, preventing countries from making necessary investments in quality jobs and fuelling inequalities. Low and ...
Découvrez les dernières actualités qui démontrent que les syndicats sont des acteurs du développement à part entière. Bonne ...
Descubra las últimas noticias que demuestran que los sindicatos son actores del desarrollo por derecho propio. ¡Disfrute de ...