This is a review of "The Barbarians Move In" recorded by Duels. The review was written by Shane Spencer in 2008. Although I liked their early singles I failed to be inspired by Duels’ debut album "The ...
This article was published in 2004. Uptight have almost completed their new Pink African Violets EP. As well as the title track the CD will contain the tracks Hypnotised and Blood Soaked. The band are ...
This article was published in 2012. "Sheep Hanger Blues" is the upcoming serving of music power from Leeds three piece MonMon. Renowned for combining noise and melody in a patented ratio, this latest ...
This is an archive of the band profile for Dead Sea Strategy. From the depths of Leeds, we are Dead Sea Strategy. Consisting of Ash Beck on guitar/vocals, Nick Wootton on guitar, Andy Clark on bass ...
This article was published in 2009. Leeds/Wakefield band Mercia Drift will release their debut single, ‘Take Your Own Road’, on 24th July 2009. The band will launch the release at The Elbow Room in ...
This is an archive of the band profile for Sean Forde. After being involved in a number of bands over the years, most recently The Additions who did 1 gig, Sean Forde has decided to go solo and is ...
This article was published in 2004. In At The Deep End Records are set to release a limited run of Send More Paramedics record The Hallowed And the Heathen. The 500-copy run in 12" Picture Disc format ...
This is an archive of the band profile for Du Dauphine. Post rock-esque five piece Du Dauphine create their sound in the inspiring landscapes of the Pennine moors on the outskirts of their hometown.
This is a review of "White Gold" recorded by Mickey Charbagz. The review was written by Mark Shahid in 2006. Here we have four songs of complete ‘Radio 2-ness’. Songs of acoustical charm with a male ...