GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS - Tethys Petroleum Limited (“Tethys” or the “Company”) today announces that it has completed the previously announced private placements (“Placements”) with Winston ...
NUR-SULTAN, Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 August 2021 - Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) organized an online forum on local content (LC) development which was held with the support and ...
Shell Kazakhstan announces the appointment of Olivier Lazare as Country Chair of Shell in Kazakhstan with effect from September 1, 2017. In his role, Mr Lazare is responsible for the overall ...
The 29th Kazakhstan International Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference - KIOGE-2024 will be held in Almaty from September 25 to 27, 2024 The exhibition will bring together more than 340 participants ...
Пять лет назад, как только вывески "КазМунайГаз" сменила оранжевая кнопка Push, стало понятно: на рынке появился новый игрок, который изменит представление казахстанцев о топливном ретейле.
Масштабная конференция-выставка «GO DIGITAL EURASIA» пройдет в Алматы 16-17 октября 2024. Go Digital Eurasia – это крупнейшая площадка для обсуждения будущего цифровых технологий в Центральной Азии ...
26 марта 2001 года в пяти километрах от города Атырау произошло событие, поистине для Казахстана эпохальное. Страна, обладающая громадными нефтяными запасами, но лишенная возможности ...
Атырау, Қазақстан, 3 қыркүйек, 2024 жыл – «Теңізшевройл» ЖШС (ТШО) Қазақстандағы Теңіз мұнай-газ кен орнындағы Кешенді технологиялық желілер зауытында (КТЖ) бес технологиялық желілердің ...
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) and Honeywell (NYSE: HON) signed a Memorandum of Mutual Understanding aimed at developing local content in the Karachaganak project. Within the framework of ...
In February 2013, Exxon Mobil Corporation, a leading international oil and gas major, announced the appointment of Mr. Bruno Jardin as Managing Director of its Kazakhstan affiliate, ExxonMobil ...
Over the five years of its existence, the "Downstream Caspian and Central Asia" conference has become the largest regional platform and the main regional event in the industry. Each year, the event ...
The restructuring the North Caspian Project (NCP) Operating Model was completed on 13 June 2015. This reorganization of NCP companies took place in accordance with Dutch legislation, giving due ...