باشر فلاحو الحسكة بحصاد محصول السمسم في مختلف المناطق، التي يزرع فيها ولا سيما منطقتا الاستقرار الزراعي الأولى والثانية وسط تقديرات بإنتاج 345 طناً من مجمل المساحة المزروعة. وبين رئيس دائرة الإنتاج ال ...
استهدفت المقاومة الوطنية اللبنانية اليوم بالأسلحة المناسبة موقعين للعدو الإسرائيلي وتجمعات جنوده، محققة فيهم إصابات مؤكدة.
Moscow, SANA- The Ukrainian army has arrested seven students from Sri Lanka and taken them to an unknown destination, the head of the region’s military-civilian administration Vitaly Ganchev has ...
Moscow, SANA- the Ukrainian forces bombed the village of Ttekino in Kursk region and no causalities were reported. “This morning, the Ukrainian armed forces fired again at the village of Ttekino.
Damascus, SANA-Syria has affirmed that the latest Israeli acts of piracy have begun to take an escalated and dangerous form that rise to war crimes, saying that it reserves its full right to ...
Lattakia, SANA- Culture Minister Lubanah Mshaweh and Tourism Minister Mohammad Rami Martini affirmed the importance of revitalizing the cultural and tourism movement in Lattakia province due to ...
Hasaka, SANA-The US occupation on Monday brought out 123 tankers loaded with Syrian oil from al-Jazeera fields towards Iraqi lands, in a move that reflects its greed in the Syrian resources.
Daraa, SANA-A new batch of displaced Syrian families who were residing at refugee camps in Jordan, returned via Nassib border crossing to their towns and villages liberated from terrorism by the ...
Damascus, SANA -“Russian and Syrian inter-agency coordination committees on repatriation of refugees to the Syrian Arab Republic” affirmed on Thursday that the return of refugees to their home ...
Palmyra, SANA- The Ministry of Tourism, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and the Governorate of Homs, put on Saturday the building of the historic visitor center in the ancient city of ...
Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry called on the authorities of Netherlands to present clarification about Amsterdam’s support to terrorist organizations in Syria such as so-called Sultan ...
في أغلب الحروب التي شنتها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في المنطقة وخارجها تكررت سيناريوهات فشل الجيش ...