As with many classic films, The Third Man might have been very different had the leads been taken by the stars whom the producers first had in mind. In this case, David O. Selznick, who co-financed ...
Intended for broadcast in 1965, writer / director Peter Watkins' nuclear war drama was withheld by the BBC - possibly as a result of political pressure - and remained unshown for nearly twenty years, ...
Throughout its long history, drama documentary has been one of film and television's most popular, but also most controversial, forms. Film and programme makers are attracted to its combination of the ...
A series of seven short public information films designed to be shown on television if a nuclear attack seemed likely. Designed to accompany the Civil Defence handbook, each film in the series Advice ...
There was so much more to Ealing Studios than its famous comedies. But there's one category of Ealing films that's really obscure. The 30-odd documentaries and propaganda shorts released by the studio ...
A young boy dreams that his snowman comes to life.
As 2012's Dickens bicentenary celebrations continue, we launch an exciting new tour of short films. With the help of expert guides, the films explore the many ways Dickens' work has been adapted for ...
The inhabitants of a London street discover buried treasure and documents proving they are really citizens of Burgundy. When the government tries to claim the treasure for the Crown, the Burgundians ...
In 1955, the British film industry faced a new threat. Television had experienced a boom year in 1953 and was welcoming a new independent channel that, free from many of the restrictions of public ...
A decade of radical change - not least for British cinema ...
A young Liverpudlian man joins an international brigade in the Spanish Civil War, fighting in support of the Republican struggle against fascism. Like most films dealing with historical events, Land ...
Two young lovers are caught on either side of a dispute over the territorial ambitions of the monolithic Ironside brewery against an 'olde-worlde', traditional family-run concern, Greenleaf. This ...