Lord of the Rings: The War of Rohirrim is the big screen return of the LOTR franchise but with a fresh coat of paint. The War of Rohirrim delves into the world of animation and looks stunning! I ...
Staff at a well-known Auckland eatery are looking for work with the news it’s closing its doors after more than 30 years in operation. In the latest hit to New Zealand’s hospitality industry, Vivace ...
PJ TAYLOR talks with the lead pastor of Howick Community Church, Sowers Trust and Picton Centre Trust about the true meaning of Christmas. 你在哪里出生和长大? I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa.
In my last column for 2024 I wanted to start by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, while enjoying a safe and hopefully relaxing summer. The holiday season is a fantastic time ...
默里-伯顿(Murray Burton)和他的妻子米歇尔(Michelle)从以琳基督教学院的马图阿-马特-哈基阿卡(Matua Matt Hakiaka)手中接过特别制作的托克托科杖。泰晤士报》图片 PJ Taylor 默里-伯顿(Murray Burton)告别以琳基督教学院校长一职时,全场洋溢着浓浓的爱意。