This course addresses key regulatory questions regarding cybersecurity and cybercrime. The point of departure of the course is the increasing focus on cybersecurity not only as a technical issue, but ...
The techniques presented have for several years been used in design of real time systems and other distributed systems. We concentrate on systems of interacting actors and model such systems in UML.
The course is an introduction to developmental biology and genetics - in plants, animals and other relevant groups of organisms. We will use concepts and principles from genetics and epigenetics to ...
lage programvare som er lett å analysere med hensyn på sikkerhet og pålitelighet samtidig som den er lett å vedlikeholde. forstå hvordan praktisk programvareutvikling kan ha nytte av teorier om ...
The course examines the fundamental dynamics at work in all geophysical systems, from the mantle to the atmosphere. These include time-dependent processes, advection and diffusion. Each process is ...
This course provides an overview of American history, culture, politics, and contemporary society. It traces major developments and changes from the pre-Columbian period to the present. It will ...
Undervisningen består av en kombinasjon av forelesninger og studentaktiviserende undervisning som gruppearbeid og etikkdrøftinger i plenum og i grupper. Eksamen Individuell hjemmeeksamen. Eksamen skal ...
Network and communications security is an important part of information security: a large portion of IT-related attacks are performed either using network connections or are directed at network ...
Ethical hacking covers vulnerability and penetration testing, which are essential elements in modern cybersecurity. Ethical hacking consists of testing the security of IT systems by trying to find and ...
The course gives an introduction to CMOS image sensor chips used in digital cameras. The entire signal chain from light in to jpeg compressed image will be covered, incl. pixels and readout circuits, ...
The carbon cycle results in the fixation of carbon dioxide in living organisms, and, under specific conditions, accumulation of organic matter (OM) in rocks - some times in the form of source rocks ...
The energy system is undergoing a fundamental change from being centralized and carbon intensive to decentralized and low carbon so as to achieve the goals according to the Paris Agreement of limiting ...