ALGANT - International Integrated Master course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory The ALGANT consortium consists of eight universities on four continents and offers a two-year world-class ...
La "Fondazione ing. Aldo Gini" dispone di una foresteria che può ospitare studiose, studiosi e personale tecnico italiano e internazionale in visita presso dipartimenti e centri dell'Università di ...
Il bando è promosso con il sostegno di Pietro Fiorentini S.p.A. e con il patrocinio delle Scuole di Ingegneria e di Scienze dell’Università degli Studi di Padova A chi è rivolto:i premi sono riservati ...
The programme runs every two years and encourages international, high quality, innovative and ambitious research at the University of Padua. It aims at boosting the participation of the University in ...
This qualification is open to graduates with a 1st cycle or foreign equivalent degree and requires a further 120 credits, which can be accumulated over an average of two years. Previous specific ...
The University of Padova and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) have created a scholarship programme to enable talented Chinese students to undertake a PhD programme at Padova. The agreement between ...
The Erasmus+ for Studies programme allows students to spend a period of study (between 2 and 12 months) at one of the other 500 universities in one of the participating European countries, also in a ...
L'Università di Padova offre una gamma ampia e diversificata di corsi di studio, che coprono tutti gli ambiti disciplinari, dall'area scientifica a quella umanistica, da quella economico-sociale, ...
This bachelor's degree is an interuniversity programme between the University of Padua and the University of Bologna. It offers interdisciplinary training in the field of human health, with reference ...
Coloro che sono in possesso di un titolo di studio italiano per l’accesso al corso devono fare riferimento alle seguenti procedure: ...
Katy Elizabeth Medrano Uribe obtained her Master's and PhD degrees at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México under the mentorship of Prof. Luis D. Miranda. The main research of her projects was ...
Erasmus+ for studies within the EU as well as outside of Europe is part of the EU Erasmus+ Programme. Incoming students within the framework of SEMP - Swiss Exchange Mobility Programme, Coimbra Group ...