“Our findings suggest that high PSMA tumors may respond better to AR-targeting therapies. Tumors with low PSMA possess markers of cancer stem cells and are associated with resistance to radiotherapy," ...
Panelists discuss how the treatment landscape for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) is rapidly evolving through advancements in precision medicine and novel therapies, while ...
"[Although] we were very excited about the finding in this study showing that Unfold AI could be superior to MRI in detecting extracapsular disease, our next step is to validate this in a ...
"My specific career path is really not at all like my mentors, and I think that's fine, actually. It's great, because I'm doing what I want to do and not feeling constrained to go down any particular ...
Michael Gorin, MD provides the background and results of two key imaging trials that reviewed the efficacy of this new copper-based agent.
No patients in the transperineal cohort experienced an infection, compared with 1.6% of patients in the transrectal cohort. Transperineal biopsy yielded a lower risk of infectious complications while ...
Michael Gorin, MD discusses the impact of next-day imaging and the potential imaging improvements as physicians await the results of the CLARIFY trial.
“Our PPP nomograms accurately stratify high- vs. low-risk groups for overall survival in early and late stages of prostate cancer and yield better prediction than established clinical risk tools," ...
"From a revenue, profit and loss perspective, actually, in many instances, they anticipate that physicians may actually make more money using the second-generation CVAC device compared to traditional ...
"A global consensus on standardization of terminology, separation of LUTS vs pain for outcome, HL positivity and negativity, markers for disease, and the role of new interventions for local vs ...
“There is no clear evidence that adding metformin to standard of care increases overall survival in unselected patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive disease," said Silke Gillessen, MD. The ...
"But for physicians considering chemotherapy for which there is equipoise, the Decipher test could be used to swing the decision one way or the other," says Gerhardt Attard, MD, PhD, FRCP. In this ...