Data science is an integral component of virtually every academic, business, public sector, and political endeavor in today's world. The Hazel Quantitative Analysis Center (QAC) provides quantitative ...
Michael S. Roth '78 became the 16th president of Wesleyan University on July 1, 2007 (inauguration). Formerly president of California College of the Arts (CCA), Roth is known as a historian, curator, ...
Stage 1 requires two course credits in each of the 3 divisions, all in different departments Stage 2 requires one additional course credit in each of the 3 divisions, in any department, by graduation ...
The JCCP has 20 student-run programs in a variety of areas. These programs vary in level of commitment, with most being a weekly commitment. We strongly encourage longer-term commitments to help ...
Rabbi David was born on the Tropic of Capricorn, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Upon learning that he did not qualify for the Brazilian World Cup soccer team, he changed career paths and decided to become a ...
The Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery is dedicated to presenting groundbreaking solo and group exhibitions and installations that explore contemporary issues, often through an interdisciplinary lens.
There are several choices for the public to visit the observatory and view the sky through our telescopes. In order to safely welcome back the community to campus, we will be working with the ...
Many have heard a simplified version of the Rosa Parks story, as an isolated incident in which she refused to give up her seat because she was tired, ultimately resulting in bus desegregation. In ...
Wesleyan University stands for the opportunity to connect serious intellectual and aesthetic work with making a positive difference in the world. That makes Wesleyan a promising place to be. You can ...
Wesleyan's film studies program is consistently ranked as one of the best in the United States. Firmly grounded in the liberal arts tradition of integrating history and theory with practice, no other ...
Student Forums are student-run group tutorials, numbered 419 or 420 and must be sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of a department or program. Students are not permitted to audit ...
It is not possible to fully convey the individual strengths and differences among students selected for Wesleyan in a statistical profile. What we hope to illustrate with this data are some of the ...