Ambassador Omar Zniber of Morocco visited Geneva's Beit Yossef Girsa School, invited by the World Jewish Congress, to promote ...
In response to the alarming surge and normalization of antisemitism following the events of October 7, the World Jewish ...
Heroes for Life and WJC-Israel sent a delegation of Israeli army veterans, Team Matan, to Guatemala to assist the local ...
The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD), the democratically elected representative body of South African Jewry, notes with dismay that after nearly a week, the South African Government has ...
The Jewish community in Greece is represented by the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece – the Greek affiliate of ...
At a Nordic Council meeting, WJC President Ronald S. Lauder urged Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland to boost ...
We are delighted to have David join the WJC Steering Committee as WJC North America Chair. His commitment to Jewish causes, ...
We strongly reject the UN General Assembly's resolution, which unfairly singles out Israel, fails to acknowledge the horrific ...
He has been an unwavering ally to the Jewish people, especially during these challenging times of rising antisemitism,” Amb.
In this year's Jewish calendar, we have reached the fast of Tisha Be Av. We have realized in these long and exhausting months that everything we thought we knew is much worse, more complex, more cruel ...
"所有犹太人对彼此负责" 世界犹太人大会(WJC)是代表全球100个国家和地区的犹太社区和机构的国际性组织,旨在倡导其针对政府、议会、国际组织以及其他信仰的代表其自身利益的主张。WJC代表了大多数犹太人民,在政治上是无党派的。 犹太法典《塔木德经 ...
There is a longtime Jewish custom of sending greeting cards for Rosh Hashanah. These collections of cards are an archive ...