BC Hydro's Jones Lake Reservoir serves not only as a source of hydroelectric power, but also as an attractive public recreation area. Recreation opportunities include camping, picnicking, swimming, ...
We've identified an interconnection to the FortisBC system in Kelowna as the new leading alternative for the West Kelowna Transmission Project. In coming to this decision, we considered input received ...
In 1902, the Coquitlam-Buntzen facilities – comprised of the Coquitlam Dam, the Coquitlam Diversion Tunnel and Lake Buntzen 1 Powerhouse – were built to provide electricity to the city of New ...
A planned power outage will take place September 15 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., covering the communities of Smithers, Telkwa, the Hazeltons, Kitwanga, and nearby areas. We've sent notifications to all ...
Lighting can be your highest business energy cost – and your greatest opportunity for savings. Reducing heat output from your lighting can also reduce your air conditioning costs. Without proper ...
During our engagement on the La Joie Access and Accommodation Study, we identified the need to do further environmental and socio-economic studies on some of the options being evaluated. We decided to ...
Strategic energy management is a long-term approach to energy efficiency, setting out a plan to manage your energy use with the goal of achieving long-term savings. Regardless of whether you're a ...
Solar photovoltaic (PV) system and battery storage systems, used in combination or on their own, are a great way to reduce your building’s energy bills and provide a reliable backup energy source.
The Community-Based Biomass Power Call Request for Qualifications ("CBB RFQ") encouraged community-level power supply solutions using carbon-neutral biomass fuel sources. It was completed in December ...
Learn about the funding and support we offer commercial and industrial businesses for strategic energy management, energy audits, retrofits and more. e.Catalog is the sole source of eligible ...
We're looking at how we can best allow spawning salmon to access spawning habitats in the Shuswap River above Wilsey Dam. We're building on the work of the Wilsey Dam Fish Passage Committee. That work ...