Lollipop Chainsaw itself is great, but RePOP has a ways to go to hit the sweet spot. Some brief history – as this review is ...
Hella Remastered on the horizon, Shinji Mikami and Suda51 shine a light on the difficulties of bringing back old games ...
Goichi 'Suda51' Suda - of No More Heroes and Killer7 fame - reckons a focus on Metacritic scores is bad for creativity. Speaking to recently alongside survival horror genre maker-upper Shinji ...
Suda51 is standing up against review scores and shedding light on the dark side of chasing numbers in the video game industry.
Dragami Games president responds to the recent claims about censorship concerning the recent Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP remaster ...
在与《暗影诅咒》的共同开发者三上真司的讨论中,两位游戏界资深人士深入探讨了原创游戏作品在市场上的稀缺现象。须田刚一指出,为了追逐高me tacritic评分,游戏发行商和开发者往往倾向于采取更为保守的策略,沿用已知的成功模式,而非勇敢地开辟新路径。
蚱蜢制造(Grasshopper Manufacture)首席执行官须田刚一(Suda51)最近在接受GamesIndustry.biz采访时表示,如今玩家对于Metacritic的关注太多了,并且这对原创性产生了负面影响。
【ITBEAR】9月14日消息,《宇宙机器人》自英国首发以来,便以其出色的表现赢得了市场的青睐。据最新数据显示,该游戏在发行周的销量,相较于索尼前一款力作《瑞奇与叮当:时空跳转》在2021年的成绩,竟高出了21个百分点,这一数字无疑证明了其强大的市场 ...
须田认为,玩家和公司对Metacritic等评分网站的关注过度,导致游戏开发变得公式化:“现在几乎有一套公式,如果想要高分,就得按照这个公式制作游戏。” “如果你的游戏不符合这个公式,不符合市场范围,那么它在Metacritic上就会获得低分,大公司可能不想处理这种事情。这可能不是主要原因,但肯定是原因之一。每个人都太在意数字了。” ...
Metacritic scores are undeniably a huge part of modern gaming conversations, with gamers flocking to the site any time a new ...