近日,奥迪A6L E-Tron长轴距版车型在瑞典北部的严寒中接受了冬季测试的洗礼,这一场景被外媒摄影师捕捉并曝光。据悉,这款纯电动轿车将专为中国市场量身打造,实现独家销售与生产。
续航方面,该媒体预测 A6L E-tron 将搭载与 Q6L E-tron 相同的 107 kWh 电池组,CLTC 续航里程有望超过 700 公里。动力方面,新车或将提供单电机后驱和双电机四驱两种选择。
Tether announces a $1 billion USDT chain swap to Tron, enhancing liquidity across blockchains without altering the stablecoin ...
IT之家 1 月 7 日消息,汽车媒体 carscoops 昨日(1 月 6 日)发布博文,报道称奥迪新款 A6L E-tron 正在瑞典北部展开冬季测试,这款长轴距车型仅在国内市场销售,拥有更长的轴距、重新设计的车尾以及新的车载信息娱乐系统。奥迪 ...
TRON remains one of the most active venues for USDT activity, becoming the leader for professional-grade and whale-scale ...
The upcoming A6L E-Tron will feature a longer wheelbase, a redesigned tail, and a unique infotainment, tailored to Chinese ...
1月6日,波场TRON链上去中心化稳定币项目USDD迎来了重大的更新——USDD 2.0 ...
Tether plans $1B USDT chain swap from multiple blockchains to Tron network without impacting overall USDT supply.
近日,奥迪旗下重磅纯电动车型A6L E-tron在瑞典北部进行冬季测试时被摄影师捕获。这款专为中国市场打造的加长版纯电动轿车,展现出与普通版A6 E ...
The T3 Financial Crime Unit, a collaboration between the Tron blockchain, stablecoin issuer Tether and blockchain ...
M-tron Industries received a more than $10 million order from a Defense Department contractor to support what the company called a major air-defense program.
日前,有媒体拍摄到了一组全新奥迪A6L e-tron的路试谍照。据悉,新车将是在长春生产的第二款PPE平台产品,预计在奥迪Q6L e-tron上市之后,就会马上迎来A6L e-tron的推出。