天津英语高考是属于全国各考区最简单的卷子,但是题型特立独行,分为3月和6月两次笔试,得分在120多的同学属于单词没有太大问题,但是词组短语只掌握少量高频常见短语,冷门词组短语不太行,所以上不到140分。这个分数段的同学做单选题通常会错2~4个,大家可以尝试对号入座。那么词组短语对于天津高考英语各个题型,有什么 ...
Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also ...
One of the highlights of this hiking trip was making an applique from leaves. As we ascended the mountain, we collected ...
一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Today Gardener and his crew will depart in their seed pod; the replacement crew ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
这部电影可以说是将玛丽亚·凯莉的《All I Want For Christmas is You》推向文化顶峰的功臣。理查德·柯蒂斯的这部伦敦群像剧甜到发腻,以至于人们很容易忘记,每一个欢乐的瞬间背后都伴随着一些注定要进“淘气名单”的角色。
by Ma Yueran In humanity's pursuit of the "stars and seas," commercial space exploration, driven by market forces and profit motives, has emerged as a vital new frontier. This year, the term "commerci ...
The "Water Forest" is located in the ecological conservation area of Qingxi Country Park, covering more than 60 acres, ...
甬派君有话说 作为海上丝绸之路的起点城市之一,宁波自古就和世界各地往来密切。在外国档案及文献中,有很多关于宁波人文、历史、风物的记载。
前谷歌(Google)首席执行官埃里克·施密特警告称,AI系统可能需要有一个紧急关机装置,以免它们变得过于强大。施密特认为,随着AI系统的自动化程度越来越高,它们可能给人类带来全新的、更严重的威胁。 施密特周日在接受ABC ...