When diastatic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or brewer's yeast, land in the wrong place, they can become a craft beer ...
Lager beer (the crisp, cold-fermented, fizzy beer) dominates the global beer market. Around 90% of the world’s beer varieties ...
Killer toxins produced by Saccharomyces strains have been found to inhibit beer-spoiling diastatic yeasts, offering an ...
With more interest in home-baked bread than ever before. And that means a lot of people are making friends with yeast for the ...
. Published by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, USA; 1997. pp. 360. $45.00 Whereas the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been the preferred tool for many ...
Fission yeast and budding yeast are free-living haploid cells that are easily grown in the laboratory. They have different cell shapes and patterns of division. Left, fission yeast; right ...
No parmesan, no problem. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, there's a handy health food pantry staple that can serve as a tasty ...
Diastatic yeasts can spoil craft beer through hyperattenuation, which boosts the alcohol content and causes bottles to explode. Killer toxins, which are produced by other yeast strains, hint at a ...
A hierarchical combination of factors shapes the genome-wide topography of yeast meiotic recombination initiation. Cell 144, 719-731. Sasaki M, Tischfield SE, van Overbeek M, and Keeney S (2013) ...
Killer toxins could help prevent craft beers from exploding in the bottle, according to new research.
Different yeast strains fed the exact same sugary diet will create different flavours of beer. Yet lager-fanciers have been ...
YeastBuster™酵母专用蛋白抽提试剂设计用于从Saccharomyces cerevisiae 和 Pichia pastoris酵母细胞中,快速、高效而温和地抽提可溶活性蛋白。采用试剂处理,可以避免激烈的机械处理造成的氧化和热度升高对目的蛋白的破坏作用。这种Novagen的专利配方包括性质温和的 ...