Dorf is a fictional character created by comedy writer and performer Tim Conway. He was the main character in a series of direct-to-video films during the 1980s and 1990s. Dorf was characterized ...
This dedicated portion of our event is where fintech startups, investors, and industry experts connect to explore groundbreaking solutions and form strategic partnerships. Expect in-depth ...
由上海博物馆出品的《大师导读:从波提切利到梵高》近日由上海书画出版社出版。该导读邀请了八位中国艺术史专家学者,走进去年的上海博物馆“从波提切利到梵高:英国国家美术馆珍藏展”展厅,为观众导览。澎湃新闻经授权,选刊北京大学历史学系暨中国古代史研究中心教授陆扬先生的导读。陆扬先后执教于普林斯顿大学、哈佛大学、堪萨斯大学,从事隋唐五代史、中国中古佛教文化史、现代史学理论研究。 2023年初,上海博物馆举办 ...