春华秋实,硕果飘香。当下,宁县4.5万亩早熟苹果迎来丰收季,“红思尼克”“精灵嘎啦”等早熟品种陆续上市。果树郁葱,苹果满枝,果香弥漫,到处是丰收、繁忙而又喜悦的景象。 走进宁县 ...
近日,走进中宁县大战场镇零工驿站,只见日常急救、技能培训、维权调解、信息发布等设施一应俱全,来此寻求务工的群众络绎不绝。据了解,该驿站成立不到一周,已经发布就业信息80余条 ...
中国质量新闻网讯 为切实做好电梯安全工作,降低电梯故障率,保障广大人民群众安全放心乘梯,近日,甘肃省庆阳市宁县 ...
Members of Monterey County's largest public sector union have reached a tentative agreement with county representatives on a new three-year contract, averting a potential strike. The deal ...
中国质量新闻网讯 中秋临近,为营造健康有序的消费环境,近日,甘肃省庆阳市宁县九岘乡市场监管所积极开展中秋节月饼市场专项检查,全力守护 ...
严把生产加工关,建立全程质量管控体系,玺赞庄园枸杞有限公司的这一生产场景,正是中宁县加快构建产业标准、绿色防控、检验检测、产品溯源“四大体系”建设成效的缩影。 近年来 ...
SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union, also known as County Federal, is excited to announce that it will change its name to Mirastar Federal ...
(Alejandro Tamayo / The San Diego Union-Tribune) The San Diego County Board of Supervisors decided Tuesday to join a growing trend nationwide to restrict youth access to social media platforms.
What’s in a name? It may depend on who’s asking. But Sheriff Kelly Martinez has imposed a fundamental change in how the organization she was elected to serve is formally known. The San Diego ...
黄河新闻网临汾讯(记者 孔志华)9月12日,由山西农业大学、国家苹果产业技术体系、山西省果树产业技术体系主办,中共大宁县委、大宁县人民政府、山西农业大学果树研究所、山西农业大学 ...
The union representing assistant county attorneys in the Woodbury County Attorney's Office have turned down the county's proposal to increase wages to help ease acute understaffing in the office.