There is both a sense of urgency and a sense of desperateness in the tone of the letter. It reflects the mood in the Ukrainian leadership as they seem to find to sustain the war with Russia. The ...
琼瑶轻生后,由其秘书在脸书代po出最后的文字,当中提及:这是我的愿望,「死亡」是每个人必经之路,也是最后一件「大事」。我不想听天由命 ...
"But we didn't need to hand out gift cards. We handed them off to officers who we knew come into contact with hurt, need and desperateness every single day," Connell says. It makes them feel like ...
It is only after hitting the ditch a couple times myself with a panicky ox and cart during training, that have I been able to fully appreciate the desperateness of the situation for Grandpa.
因此拚命学英文,也不断告诉自己,要永远相信自己。 2016年美国职棒选秀西雅图水手队第十六轮,首位台湾出生选手在大联盟选秀获选;2019年 ...
And when I walked into the door, you know, it was that traumatic experience, like, triggered something within my grandfather that I'd never seen within his face, the feeling of desperateness - right?
I was stabbed at 12 years old. My grandparents - they were home at the time. And when I walked into the door, you know, it was that traumatic experience, like, triggered something within my ...
If there is any one, consistent purpose to Surrealism, it is to bring into question, and finally undo, the conventional idea of reality as stable and self-evident. As Breton wrote, "let us not forget ...
These measures also reflect desperateness of the governments to grapple with declining education quality at public-sector institutions. “Education quality was at decline at both the public and private ...