Print your poster on campus. For best results, print your research poster through University Print Services. This is UB's preferred, on-campus vendor with lower costs than outside vendors and an ...
DAMASCUS, Syria—Rebel fighters and civilians strolled through the grounds of Bashar al-Assad’s presidential palace on Tuesday, stepping on shredded posters of the former dictator who had fled ...
The Adams administration staffer under fire for ripping down an Israeli hostage poster and then allegedly assaulting an outraged eyewitness has been “suspended without pay indefinitely,” The ...
While the 804-patient RETHINK trial of simufilam in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease has produced a negative result, the 1125-patient REFOCUS trial was supposed to continue until a result in ...
An employee of the office of New York Mayor Eric Adams, whose team is supposed to “bridge cultural divides and provide unity,” was filmed tearing down hostage posters and then assaulting an ...
WWE has been spoiling fans with tag team turmoil since the Motor City Machine Guns arrived and swiftly captured gold, and we should all give this movement a round of applause. Even if you're more ...
“当下‘从钱凯到上海’已经成为秘鲁流行语”“这里的人民亲切地称呼中国人为‘老乡’”“这里的中餐馆叫做‘吃饭 ...
当地时间11月21日清晨,当习近平主席乘坐的专机迎着朝霞,自巴西首都巴西利亚腾空而起,2024年时间最长、路途最远的一次大国外交行动,写入了 ...
11月23日起,今冬首场寒潮开始影响我国,大部地区将迎来大风降温和大范围雨雪天气。24日18时,中央气象台发布寒潮黄色预警。 11月以来,我国大部地区气温偏高。寒潮来临能否改变偏暖态势?今年冬天总体气温偏高还是偏低? 此次寒潮过程影响范围较大 中央 ...
With excitement building for Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s release, Paramount Pictures has revealed a series of eye-catching character posters featuring the movie’s fan-favourite heroes and intriguing new ...