In the nineteen-sixties, the English neurologist treated patients who had encephalitis lethargica and wrote constant updates ...
An eccentric HBO documentary on the production of his hot-button play Slave Play doubles as a funhouse portrait of the ...
Solidarity is a rejection of a depoliticized pessimism, a pessimism engulfed by one’s suffering,” says Zahi Zalloua.
No creator has put more LGBTQ characters on TV. His Aaron Hernandez show raises the question of why so many are killers ...
TIFF: Portuguese writer/director Laura Carreira proves a new filmmaker worth following with her character study of an ...
Their Borders, Our World is an anthology of work commissioned by Palestine Festival of Literature that urges solidarity with ...
Adam Smith, who was writing at the threshold of the Industrial Revolution, did not foresee how the concentration of capital and markets in labour would return workers to abjection, rather than promote ...
Kerala’s state feminism, despite its widespread reach, has fallen short of revolutionising social life, paving the way for ...