Pregnancy is undoubtedly an exciting journey and often regarded as the most cherished experience, especially for first-time mothers. However, expectant mothers must not overlook the importance of ...
Many people with cephalic disorders live relatively normal lives. But some cephalic disorders are so severe that a baby will die within weeks or months of birth. Anencephaly. This condition happens ...
Is the current routine use of PGD in public healthcare services to select against severe genetic diseases like anencephaly, spina bifida, cystic fibrosis and Down’s syndrome morally acceptable? In ...
Diagnoses like anencephaly, where a fetus’ skull and brain fail to fully develop, fall under this category. Youngkin’s proposed budget amendments strike language permitting state coverage for such ...
While some people seek abortions because they don’t want to be a parent, others choose to terminate because continuing a pregnancy could put their life in danger. With Roe v. Wade overturned ...
Recurrent miscarriage or fetal loss syndrome (also known as fetal wastage syndrome) is characterized by recurrent spontaneous abortion. There are many syndromes associated with recurrent fetal ...
Traci L. Powell, MSN, NNP; Leslie Parker, PhD, NNP-BC; Cynthia F. Dedrick, PhD, NNP; Christina M. Barrera, MSN, NNP; Dawn Di Salvo, MSN, NNP, CLC; Felicia Erdman, MSN ...