Sammy Hagar posted a poignant photo of him with Eddie Van Halen on his Instagram page “to close out” 2024; called Alex Van Halen’s disrespect for the Van Hagar era “blasphemy” in an exchange with fans ...
“[It’s shocking] to me. It feels ugly and blasphemous and egomaniacal and disgusting for a filmmaker in my place to do Nosferatu next," he said. Eggars revealed that he planned to wait before making ...
A Nigerian Christian has been fully acquitted of any wrongdoing after spending 19 months in prison on blasphemy charges. Rhoda Jatau, a mother of five, was arrested in May 2022 after she allegedly ...
Blasphemous 2 releases the Mea Culpa and True Torment updates for PS5 and PS4, introducing significant changes to how True Torment Mode works. Players who Ascend their save files and start a new ...
Releasing 'Blasphemous Rumours' as the last single from Some Great Reward, synthpop group Depeche Mode unleashed their most challenging cut for the BBC yet.