I mean he comes on the scene as a prophet straight out of the Hebrew Bible ... to recognize that Luke's gospel has a companion volume. Luke is by the same author as the Book of Acts in the ...
The Gospel of Luke is the first volume of Luke-Acts, which was composed by "Luke the beloved physician," a traveling companion of St. Paul (Col 4:14). The Gentile St. Luke wrote his work for ...
Visit the homepage for more information. The Gospel of Luke and Acts give us the essential framework for the beginning of an authentic study of Mary. This Gospel is a Christ-centered proclamation to ...
This is the first complete English translation of Luke's Demonstration to Theophilus (the books of Luke and Acts) as found in Codex Bezae.
Americans also love their car-bumper stickers, especially ones that piously ask, “What would Jesus do?” The question acts as ...
Paul’s words of caution about not causing others to stumble by what we do are a reminder that not everything that is morally right in itself is wise or helpful in every situation.
The theology of the book of Hebrews is distinct in that it draws together so many of the greatest truths revealed in God’s word to address the deepest of human needs.
For opponents of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro — which is to say, among other things, opponents of ...
C. Kavin Rowe: Studies in Luke, Acts, and Paul (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing) Rowe’s second new work unfolds a multidisciplinary approach to exegesis focused on the New Testament books of Luke, Acts, ...
this book is infused with the same biting social commentary and humour. A satirical spin on the marriage genre, it follows late-20-somethings Luke and Celine – both of whom think the other is ...