The radar simulation provides raw data that can be used to test and improve the algorithms ... and tier-one suppliers an unmatched level of accuracy in sensor validation," said Danny Atsmon ...
Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) is collaborating with Cognata and Microsoft (MSFT) on a web-based platform to enable users to test advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicle sensors in a ...
Hyperuricemia is diagnosed when uric acid levels are higher than the reference range of values (meaning the level at which uric acid levels are considered normal). The tests are interpreted as follows ...
A hemoglobin test measures the ... Your hemoglobin level may also be low after you donate blood. In this case, you should expect it to normalize after a few weeks. What Do High Hemoglobin Levels Mean?
Air quality sensors have been measuring and monitoring outdoor air quality applications for many years. More recently, they have been used more frequently for indoor applications in smart homes and ...
Anybody who has oral, anal, or vaginal sex, or genital skin-to-skin contact with another person can get STDs — in fact, most sexually active people get one at some point in their life. STDs don’t ...
With a consistent product stored on the shelf, when a low inventory level is reached, the scale triggers a purchase that can be fulfilled without user involvement. In a commercial environment, sensors ...