《幸运失败者》 是对特朗普商业记录的详尽研究,结果恰恰相反。特朗普的一切都归功于他的父亲弗雷德,他是美国顶尖的房屋建筑商之一,在二战后的建筑热潮中发家致富。除了几个例外,特朗普自己的赌场和房地产交易在平庸和灾难之间摇摆不定。
Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner are now out with a new book, Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father's Fortune ...
Everywhere you look at Glen Lake Elementary School in Hopkins, Minnesota, love is in the air because of what is now on the ground.
In “Lucky Loser,” two investigative reporters illuminate the financial chicanery and media excesses that gave us the 45th ...
Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner’s book, which builds on their Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting, is much more than an ...
曾提出蓝区(Blue Zones)理论的长寿大师布特纳(Dan Buettner)透露,参加教会礼拜,比节食或运动更能延长你在地球上的寿命,原因在于宗教活动中的祈祷、冥想,可以协助人们减少身心压力。《每日讯号》(The Daily ...
A new book by two New York Times investigative reporters comprehensively debunks the notion that Trump is a good businessman.
ART021集团已在内地耕耘11年,这次落地香港举办全新的ART021 HONG ...
Farbman Group in Farmington Hills announced the addition of three new team members to the firm — Bonnie Liu as a project ...
The authors of “Lucky Loser” also talk with CNN about the GOP candidate’s past using a fake name in the media to promote ...
Blue Zones are areas in the world with the most people living the longest lives. On average, Okinawan women live longer lives than women from all other areas worldwide, according to longevity expert ...
Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner revealed the sad condition producers found at Trump Tower when they started Trump's reality ...