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沙特,作为中东地区的重要经济体,其清关流程严格且复杂,对卖家而言,了解并遵守这些要求至关重要。 2024年沙特海关新规 ...
警方星期五(12月13日)晚间发文告说,诈骗团伙近来通过短信发送钓鱼内容,声称受害者的PayNow证书(certificate)将在三天后过期,须点击附上的链接更新资料以保持服务畅通。点击链接将转至一个钓鱼网站,诱导受害者填写信用卡和个人详情,如电话 ...
Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CMC, announced the order of promotion, which was signed by Xi, at a ceremony held for the ...
China's first jumbo jet is expected to make its maiden flight in 2014 and get the Certificate of Airworthiness in 2016, said a senior executive from AVIC.