The Odyssey. Universal Pictures on Monday announced that the Oscar-winning Oppenheimer director will helm an IMAX-shot adaptation of Homer’s poem and confirmed the release date: July 17, 2026.
Sections of two telecom cables were cut on November 17 and 18 in Swedish territorial waters of the Baltic Sea. Suspicions have been directed at a Chinese ship - the Yi Peng 3 - which ...
Long stretches of Russia’s Black Sea coastline are covered in oil spilled by the wreck of two Russian tankers over the weekend, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warning of an ...
The island of Calypso, for example ... and locations in and around the North Sea. The location for our trip was Gozo, which ranks among the spectacular examples of just how ludicrous such pseudo ...
The Illuminate attacked Calypso in the Saleria Sector, and according to the progress screenshots from players, the efforts of the invaders and Helldivers were almost perfectly in line. In the end ...
Fourth, according to Colomb’s amphibious dataset, a fleet-in-being challenging an attacker’s sea control led to the immediate cancellation of 9 percent of amphibious attacks, and only four ...