A segment from a U.S. Air Force film follows a single flight by then-Major Charles Chuck Yeager. Before Yeager and Air Force test pilots Albert Boyd and H.E. Tom Collins put the MiG-15 through its ...
The legacy of Chuck Yeager extends beyond his supersonic achievements. This video uncovers his daring WWII combat missions, including his stunning feat as an 'Ace in a Day.' A true story of heroism!
Chuck Culpepper has lived in 10 states and four countries, including the three with names containing the word "United" (United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates). He has written ...
Manhole grates will be placed in four basins on Bald Top Road after necessary road closures last year. Mahoning Township supervisors approved the purchase of four grates at $200 each and $200 in ...
Featuring 225 lots, this wide-ranging auction offers a distinctive array of fine art, decorative arts, timepieces, Native American and Asian items, lots of gold and silver, militaria, and much more.