Now some farmers are betting big on what they believe could be part of the solution: agave. The pointy succulents have a deep, rich history in Mexico, where they’re cultivated and distilled into ...
Agave, made from cooking the sap of a succulent, tastes sweeter than sugar and may be a good sweetener for vegans. Agave is a genus that is part of the Asparagaceae family. The succulent is native ...
An evergreen perennial forming handsome rosettes of spiny-edged, grey-green leaves. Panicles to 8m in length, of greenish-yellow flowers 8cm in length, are produced only by old plants ...
A succulent perennial producing an evergreen rosette of silvery, pale green leaves on top of a thick stem. An arching stem of yellow flowers can emerge from the rosette in summer, reaching to 1.5m in ...