Meningiomas can cause changes to your muscles, making them stiff or weak. Some people may experience the clonus reflex, which ...
Neurological examination revealed UMN and LMN signs, including a positive Babinski sign, hyperreflexia with ankle clonus, muscle atrophy, weakness in the tongue and upper and lower limbs bilaterally, ...
She went home from the hospital at 4 days of age. Two days later, she had generalized clonus, which recurred several times over the course of the next 48 hours. She was admitted to a hospital ...
Objectives: Hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. “Pure” autosomal dominant (AD) HSP is most common and eight genetic loci are identified to date. Previous ...
Department of Neuroscience, Perelman School of Medicine, University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, USA Center for Neurotrauma, Neurodegeneration, and Restoration, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans ...
In legs, test rapidity and range of foot tapping (slowed in Parkinson's disease and spasticity) and for clonus (brisk passive extensions of ankle). A sensitive test for spasticity is the Trömner ...