More people are visiting remote areas of Arizona and while it’s great they’re exploring the outdoors, the increase comes with drawbacks.
While no restaurants were on the Dirty Dining list, see which Valley shops had perfect health inspection scores.
The unit will require no additional state resources and will work in tandem with local agencies across Arizona.
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes created a new unit to help local police departments investigate unsolved cases.
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes announced this week her office is dedicating resources to helping local law enforcement ...
Attorney General Kris Mayes announced the creation of a Cold Case Homicide unit within the Attorney General's Office.
For years, the stories of victims in unsolved murder and missing person cases have lingered in the shadows, waiting for justice to be served.
The family of Karen Bodine, a 37-year-old mother of three from Thurston County who was found dead near a gravel pit in Rochester on Jan. 22, 2007, will host a candlelight vigil to honor her memory and ...
The unexplained murder of Naomi Kathleen Cheney, a lieutenant in the Women’s Army Corps, led to a trail of blood, interviews ...
The remains of 14-year-old Edward "Mitt" Crowley were discovered in a wooded area in the town of Selkirk on Jan. 8, 1992.
The team will evaluate the Northern Michigan cold cases and determine their solvability based on a scoring system employed by ...