Poinsettia — a puppy who weighed less than 4 lbs — was found “soaked and shivering” in Austin, Texas Toria Sheffield joined the PEOPLE editorial staff in 2024. Her work as a writer/editor ...
A video of a puppy sitting inside a giant kennel quickly grabbed the internet's attention and brought in over 1 million views within a week. The December 3 Instagram clip shows a 7-week-old puppy ...
People were melting over the sweet way that one service dog Dalmatian asked her owner for a toy at the store. She is just the most courteous little dog we've ever seen! Such a patient girl!
The dogs, barely 8 weeks old, were deaf and blind and had been scheduled to be euthanized. Kim, who knew the would-be adopter through his work with animal rescue nonprofit Pilots N Paws ...
A lot of things run through your mind when you get a new puppy: what kind of dog toys you should buy, how beneficial crate training actually is and if they really need their own bed ...
Katie Baldock had owned Digby the Dalmatian as a pet before she began training him as a support dog A woman trained her pet Dalmatian to be the first of his breed to qualify as a disability ...