Up until July, over 5 million migrants are estimated to have entered the United States irregularly through Nicaragua in the ...
Daniel Ortega and his wife have shut down homeless shelters, thrown humanitarian organizations to the street and closed ...
When their church no longer felt safe, deacon Francisco Alvicio and his congregation made a plan. Cautiously, discreetly, ...
The new interconnected breed of autocrats gains and retains power by deception, globally undermining democracies through ...
This month, China’s engagement with Latin America primarily focused on trade and investment, highlighted by Brazil’s ...
“Nicaragua realized that this was a way— to use the term—weaponize migration. Basically to utilize migration as a way to ...
Today, as President Daniel Ortega continues to consolidate power by crushing opposition, Nicaragua has deteriorated into an ...
The heated 2024 U.S. presidential election is frequently characterized as a choice between democracy and dictatorship, or ...
U.S. government announced the release of 135 Nicaraguan political prisoners, who were to be received in Guatemala City. The ...
Cuando su iglesia dejó de sentirse segura, el diácono nicaragüense Francisco Alvicio hizo un plan con su congregación.
The long list of victims under Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega’s experiment in totalitarianism continues to grow ...
As one of the last large, influential organizations outside the government, the church is being targeted in Daniel Ortega’s ...