TOKYO — Rigaku Corporation (headquarters: Akishima City, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; hereinafter “Rigaku”), a Rigaku Holdings Group company and global solution partner in X-ray analytical ...
Rigaku Corporation (headquarters: Akishima City, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; hereinafter “Rigaku”), a Rigaku Holdings Group company and global solution partner in X-ray analytical ...
The study, led by Sophie Parsons, a UCSD graduate student participating in LLNL’s Academic Cooperation Program, utilized X-ray diffraction data that was previously collected by LLNL scientists Mike ...
When laser energy is deposited in a target material, numerous complex processes take place at length and time scales that are too small to visually observe. To study and ultimately fine-tune such ...
WELL-EXPOSED Laue and oscillation photographs of vanadium single crystals show several streaks which can be easily distinguished from the Laue and Bragg spots and also from the diffuse areas of ...