尽管最终呈现于食客面前的是色香味等感官体验,但一道优秀的菜式背后所蕴含的更是厨师那些无法用言语表达的情感和经历。当所有这些听似虚无飘渺的东西凭借熟稔的技法与破格的创新施加在食材上,料理便能逾越固有食物概念。LING LONG 背后的主厨 Jason Liu ...
This summer, many places around the world are experiencing extreme heat. The heat wave has created new business opportunities, with various Chinese "cooling essentials" becoming highly sought after ...
IT之家8 月 23 日消息,当地时间 22 日,谷歌宣布推出一款全新的 PC 应用 Google Essentials,其将所有谷歌服务整合在搭载 Windows 操作系统的 PC 之中,用户可以在电脑上按需下载、使用谷歌旗下的各种应用,如照片、信息、日历或文档、Play 游戏等(官方此次只发布了 ...
We use essential cookies to make our site work. With your consent, we may also use non-essential cookies to improve user experience and analyze website traffic. By clicking “Accept,” you agree to our ...