The FBI and CISA strongly advise Americans to use fully encrypted messaging and calls due to ongoing Chinese hacking of US networks. Cross-platform messaging between iPhones and Androids via RCS lacks ...
Hackers have gained sweeping access to U.S. text messages and phone calls — and in response, the FBI is falling back on the same warmed-over, bad advice about encryption that it has trotted out ...
The North Korean hacker group ‘TraderTraitor’ stole $308 million worth of cryptocurrency in the attack on the Japanese exchange DMM Bitcoin in May. In a short post, the FBI attributed the ...
Court documents show that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) enlisted the help of a confidential human source (CHS) to act as an affiliate for the BlackCat group and gain access to a web ...
The FBI has disrupted a Chinese government-backed hacker group that targeted universities, government agencies, and other organizations, FBI Director Chris Wray announced Wednesday. The group, known ...
This month has been marked by the extraordinary revelations that Chinese state-linked hackers have been marauding ... an unprecedented warning from the FBI for Android and iPhone users to stop ...