In a gesture aimed at supporting the state's paddy farmers, Haryana Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Minister Shyam Singh Rana has released Rs 90 crore as a drought relief bonus. The announcement ...
As California Gov. Jerry Brown declared an end to the state’s drought emergency today, California Farm Bureau Federation President Paul Wenger said the state must improve its water system to end ...
The final measure did not include authorization for year-round E15 sales, which benefits corn farmers, leads to lower fuel prices, and helps America reach its sustainability goals. This is an ...
HOUSTON, Texas (KIAH) — Recent data from the U.S. Drought Monitor indicates significant improvements in drought conditions across Texas, particularly in the southeastern region. As of ...
Kevin Scott and his son Jordan farm near Valley Springs, South Dakota, just east of Sioux Falls. Kevin says they were hit by heat and drought including in August when soybean yields are set.