Explore the story of the Anunnaki, advanced beings from Nibiru who came to Earth 450,000 years ago. Learn how their search for gold shaped ancient civilizations and left behind a mysterious legacy.
The research is part of the Early Occupation of Sicily (EOS) project, directed by Dr. Ilaria Patania, an assistant professor ...
Light helps explains the evolution of our skin color, why some of us have curly hair, and the size of our eyes. And light ...
These ancient inventions made life easier for prehistoric and ancient peoples and laid the groundwork for civilization as we ...
What may surprise you, though, is how well our most ancient ancestors ate. One reason they led quite a healthy life was that ...
Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for enjoying celebrity gossip. In an exclusive interview with Us, the world’s smartest man ...
As humanity sends more and more missions to Mars, it's time to start documenting our space junk and artifacts, researchers ...
The study found that unlike other vertebrates where competition generally suppresses speciation after ecological niches are ...
Research conducted at the Department of Biology, University of Padova, has identified critical genomic milestones in the ...
This year, we learned that our Neanderthal cousins were a lot like us, despite treading their own path that ended in ...
New discoveries reveal that giant sloths and mastodons coexisted with early humans in the Americas for millennia.
The Economist tries “slow journalism” with Paul Salopek ...