Pride is deceitful in that we might not recognize it in our own heart. Even more dangerous is the person who can be proud on the inside and yet appear humble to others. But we cannot fool God. Our ...
Brokenness is a prerequisite for receiving God’s grace God hates pride. Pride is an abomination. Over and over in scripture I see that God rejects the proud but gives grace to those who humble ...
Pride is a protest and their hate is not going to win here. “Some people might say ‘it’s just a bit of paint on the floor’ but we know it’s more than that: they are trying to erase who ...
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard someone say something like: I’ve experienced blowback in the secular world, but nothing prepared me for church hate. Christian believers can ...
While all these are true of God, let me put it to you that there is more to who God is. Let’s look at what the Bible says. The boastful cannot stand in your sight; you hate all evildoers (Psalm ...